Symptoms of burnout in sports photo credit to storelli sports the term burnout is often used in more general terms to describe being tired or having a sense of fatigue related to training.. Sports burnout is a very real condition, even if it isn’t an official mental health disorder. as youth sports have become more intense over the years, increasingly more kids have experienced sports burnout symptoms that can impact mood state, anxiety levels, stress-coping responses, and interactions with family, teammates, and friends.. Read more on overtraining and burnout in this aap article titled “overuse injuries, overtraining, and burnout in child and adolescent athletes.” check out more sports articles for parents , and learn more about our sports medicine center ..
Burnout in sport can occur due to various factors. it is more easily broken down into internal factors like perfectionism, high expectations, or loss of love for sport, and external factors, which include physical exhaustion, excessive time commitments and even injury.. Symptoms of burnout it can be difficult to recognize when you're slipping from a state of chronic stress to burnout. a general sign of burnout is when you feel like giving up, or you simply can't motivate yourself to put in the (often high) effort that's needed to do the work that's required of you — or to care.. The symptoms of burnout, which you experience now, are often fully reversible, if you treat your burnout in time. this is something you can do by, for example, going to a psychologist or following the online self-help program ..